Saturday, 28 January 2012


Bila tidak diberi,dikatakan tidak melakukan apa-apa, tiada pembagunan,tiada sumbagan,
tetapi bila diberi dituduh disogok,rasuah,mempunyai agenda.
Sudah mejadi tanggungjawab mereka memberi dan membantu rakyat.
kita sendiri mahukan perubahan,tetapi bila perubahan dilakukan,masing-masing tidak dapat menerima.
Susah hendak memuaskan hati kesemua pihak, masing-masing punya pendirian dan kepercayaan.
Jangan ikutkan emosi, kita kan demokrasi.

cuma berkata melihat pandagan saya sahaja,kita semua punya pandangan masing-masing kan?
Dengan voucher yang telah diberikan,dapat la saya menambah bahan bacaan saya, terima kasih :)

Apologize and Forgive

The ability to readily forgive should be driven by an awareness of our own flaws and mistakes towards others. But most of all, our humility should be driven by the fact that we wrong Allah every single day of our lives, when we sin. Who are we compared to Allah? And yet, Allah, Master of the universe, forgives by day and by night. Who are we to withhold forgiveness? If we hope to be forgiven by Allah, how can we not forgive others? It is for this reason that the Prophet ﷺ teaches us: “Those who show no mercy to others will have no mercy shown to them by Allah.” hurt by others:how to cope and heal

I wish all people in this world would say sorry and forgive, and personally i'm a person who easily forgive people, ya off course i'll be mad at first,and keep questioning why it happen, but then i realize that i can't keep this anger for a long period, cause it would hurt me back. Allhamdulillah Allah give me this kind of feeling so that i'll forgive people easily  :)

To all family,friends,and whoever know me i hope you forgive my mistake, life sometimes can be long, sometimes can be short, if mine is short, i hope people who may know me could forgive me.